Brian Moon,加拿大温哥华的设计师
Brian is available for hire
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Brian Moon

Verified Expert  in Design


Vancouver, BC, Canada
Toptal Member Since
June 28, 2019

Brian是Unity在温哥华的一名设计师,致力于创造横跨移动、网页和XR的体验. 在过去的十年里,他一直为初创公司和大公司设计. He has worked with companies, including Apple, Microsoft, Unity, Square, Warner Brothers, Expa, NETGEAR, etc. 他有实时3D (RT3D)的经验。, metaverse, entertainment, IoT, retail, crypto, automotive, games, cyber security, education, travel, and natural resources.


Work Experience

Senior UX/XR Designer

2020 - PRESENT
  • 领导Unity加速解决方案组织内各种项目的设计.
  • 领导组织设计系统的创建和维护,并与开发部门密切合作.
  • Took on several responsibilities, like user requirements gathering, task estimation, initial design framework set up, design production guidance, 并促进了不同团队职能部门之间的交叉协作.
  • Oversaw the project platforms, specifically Mixed Reality, digital twins, 3D configurators, and real-time 3D.
  • 参与不同的项目部门, like entertainment, retail, crypto, automotive, IoT, games, and natural resources.
Technologies: 3D, 3D Animation, Motion Design, User Experience (UX), User Interface (UI), Design Systems, Web UI Design, Web Design, Landing Page Design, Graphic Design, Branding, Extended Reality (XR), Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Metaverse, Fintech, Gaming, Retail, Digital Twin, Responsive Web Design (RWD), Brand Design, Logo Design

Freelance Product & 3D Designer

2011 - PRESENT
BMOON Design
  • 领导UI/UX设计的网站和移动应用程序自由职业者的基础上,为客户, including Goldstream Publishing, Kuiki Studio, GoFetch, Marble Bucket, Tastory, My Moose, Turnium, WMACAPPS, MiiD, MePower, Intersect, and Spacelist.
  • 收集业务需求,并提供满足这些需求的设计解决方案.
  • 与本地和远程客户端进行交互. Led product direction.
Technologies: Blender, Abstracts, Principle, Flinto, InVision, Sketch, Adobe Suite, 3D Animation, Motion Design, Webflow, Web UI Design, Web Design, Landing Page Design, Graphic Design, Branding, Responsive Web Design (RWD), Brand Design, Logo Design

Senior Product Designer

2019 - 2020
  • 领导设计了一家名为HotelDirect的新酒店预订旅游初创公司.
  • 在快节奏的环境中与创始团队密切合作.
  • 根据用户和利益相关者的反馈确定产品方向.
  • 使用FullStory, Facebook和Google Analytics,以及Mixpanel来追踪成功指标.
  • 利用3D创造一个独特的品牌,在竞争对手中脱颖而出.
Technologies: Notion, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Figma, Motion Design, Web UI Design, Web Design, Landing Page Design, Graphic Design, Branding, Responsive Web Design (RWD), Brand Design, Logo Design

Senior Interaction Designer

2017 - 2019
Finger Food Studios
  • 领导多个物联网、企业、AR项目的设计.
  • 在多个项目中领导UI和UX设计师团队.
  • 与远程和本地的各种客户端进行交互.
  • 专为各种平台设计,如Android, iOS, Windows, web, Hololens和Magic Leap.
  • 与开发、项目管理和QA一起在快节奏的协作环境中工作.
Technologies: Abstracts, Flinto, InVision, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Sketch, 3D Animation, Motion Design, Web UI Design, Web Design, Landing Page Design, Graphic Design, Branding, Extended Reality (XR), Responsive Web Design (RWD), Brand Design, Logo Design

Senior UX Designer

2016 - 2017
  • Designed low-fidelity wireframes, working prototypes, motion graphics, and high-fidelity visual designs.
  • 与产品和执行团队的其他成员一起为高层战略决策做出贡献.
  • 在快节奏和高度变化的创业环境中执行.
  • 建立和更新品牌视觉和指导方针.
  • 参与多个后端服务器安全、旅行和游戏项目.
  • 在早期项目和初创公司中与一位联合创始人合作.
  • 用21美元帮助推出了一个Linux后端安全平台.6 million in funding to date.
Technologies: Flinto, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, InVision, Sketch, Motion Design, Web UI Design, Web Design, Landing Page Design, Graphic Design, Branding, Responsive UI, Responsive Web Design (RWD), Brand Design, Logo Design

UI/UX Designer

2014 - 2017
Goldstream Publishing
  • 领导四个移动应用和两个基于地图和众包数据的网站的UI/UX设计.
  • 使用Sketch、Photoshop和Illustrator提供适合所有设备的响应式用户界面.
  • 创建用户流程、线框图、模型和原型.
  • 进行用户调研、实地调研和测试.
  • 协助改变视觉外观使用前端编码.
  • 使用After Effects创建动态图形和动画.
Technologies: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Flinto, Abstracts, InVision, Sketch, Web UI Design, Web Design, Landing Page Design, Graphic Design, Branding, Responsive UI, Responsive Web Design (RWD), Brand Design, Logo Design

UI/UX Designer

2015 - 2016
  • 为多个移动、桌面和物联网设备创建接口.
  • 协助创建一种新的设计语言,并将其应用于所有NETGEAR产品,以创造一致和友好的体验.
  • Created user flows, wireframes, 以及基于需求的模型,并通过用户测试验证它们.
  • 与不同地点的多个供应商合作.
  • Provided interactive prototypes, 3D motion graphics, 以及演示流程和交互的动画.
  • 执行用户测试,以验证、设计和创建基于结果的报告.
  • 参与NETGEAR Aircards、Arlo、ReadyNAS、Orbi等的设计工作.
技术:ProtoPie, Adobe After Effects, Flinto, InVision, Sketch, Graphic Design

Visual Interface Designer

2015 - 2015
  • Designed for desktop, tablet, 并创建适合每种设备的UI模式.
  • 向前端开发人员交付线框图和视觉元素.
  • 对市场现有平台进行竞争对手分析.
  • 为用户界面提供质量保证.
Technologies: InVision, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Web UI Design, Web Design, Graphic Design, Responsive Web Design (RWD)

UX Designer

2014 - 2015
  • 与高级用户体验设计师密切合作,使用SAP Lumira和其他工具进行数据可视化.
  • 协助策划和推出内部报告产品.
  • 研究用户/业务需求并提供设计解决方案.
  • 进行用户访谈并分析访谈结果.
  • 在敏捷环境下的开发团队中工作.
技术:InVision, Adobe Photoshop, Sketch, Web UI设计

Graphic and Interaction Designer

2014 - 2014
  • 为一个电子书桌面出版应用程序设计UI/UX.
  • 为产品创造新的想法、线框图、模型和原型.
  • 使用Illustrator和Photoshop设计公司网站.
  • 演示与After Effects, InVision和Keynote的交互.
  • 编写和修改公司网站的代码.
Technologies: InVision, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Web UI Design, Web Design, Graphic Design

Layout Design Technician

2012 - 2013
Canadian Red Cross
  • 与项目经理和高级设计师在内容设计方面密切合作.
  • 设计各种情况说明书、小册子、小册子和宣传内容.
  • 在严格的指导下设计.
  • Met tight deadlines on multiple projects; prioritizing multiple projects at once was key to the position.
  • 设计与InDesign和Photoshop为主要工具,以创建打印媒体.
技术:Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop
2008 - 2014


Emily Carr University of Art & Design - Vancouver, BC